For those of you who don't know we received our first foster placement the Saturday before Easter! A beautiful baby girl! We are learning so much about the process and the system. It is quite a journey.
I am trying to make a runner out of myself! I'm two days into training. I'm looking forward to the experience.
Love ya all. Hope to be back sooner than later!
Thinkin' Out Loud
with Ms. Can't Be Wrong
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
When it rains, it pours!
Today probably isn't the day to be using weather analogies. We were suppose to be well on our way to double digit inches of snow by now. There might be half an inch. Oh well, I enjoy watching it snow. It is so pretty.
I can't spend much time thinking about the snow. I have oodles of things on the horizon!
In 12 days I start a new job! I am ecstatic over the new things I will be doing. I gave the newspaper 6 weeks notice, which has gone on forever! I'll miss these kids tons!
Today, possibly, hopefully, I will get to proofread our home study! Wow, it has been five months since we started the process! Crazy! So, looking forward to having the opportunity to change a kiddo's life!
Tomorrow I will debut my Etsy store! ~~In Stitches by Steph ~~ We will start with some ladies business/mommy card holders and baby blankets. Thrilled to be getting this off the ground.
Most of the times I've used the rains/pours phrase in the past have been those one-more-thing- and-they-will-have-to-haul-me-off-in-a-white-jacket times. The last year or so I've been working hard on being a more optimistic person. So I could have told you about all of my struggles with these three blessings (believe you me ... they have been there), but I didn't.
Today I encourage you to look for the blessings in your life. It may be simple or years in the making. I'm positive something you do today will done because God provided you with the resources and abilities to do it!
I can't spend much time thinking about the snow. I have oodles of things on the horizon!
In 12 days I start a new job! I am ecstatic over the new things I will be doing. I gave the newspaper 6 weeks notice, which has gone on forever! I'll miss these kids tons!
Today, possibly, hopefully, I will get to proofread our home study! Wow, it has been five months since we started the process! Crazy! So, looking forward to having the opportunity to change a kiddo's life!
Tomorrow I will debut my Etsy store! ~~In Stitches by Steph ~~ We will start with some ladies business/mommy card holders and baby blankets. Thrilled to be getting this off the ground.
Most of the times I've used the rains/pours phrase in the past have been those one-more-thing- and-they-will-have-to-haul-me-off-in-a-white-jacket times. The last year or so I've been working hard on being a more optimistic person. So I could have told you about all of my struggles with these three blessings (believe you me ... they have been there), but I didn't.
Today I encourage you to look for the blessings in your life. It may be simple or years in the making. I'm positive something you do today will done because God provided you with the resources and abilities to do it!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2010 - The Year of Change? or When you get to see a seed sprout!
So far 2010 is looking like it will be full of change. Our home study is scheduled to be completed by the 22nd. That is a week from Friday! We're gonna have to get to working on putting that crib together. Have a little person in the house will be a big change.
One big change is not enough for the Jenkins' Casa, no sir-ee! I have made the decision to leave my position at the University. It was a tough decision.
I have always felt that God put me in this job to be an example of his love and let people know there is more to life. I know I've done better some days than others! If God put me here He would have to release me to move on. Open a new door. At the end of November a new opportunity came to light.
I believe in miracles. This job was vacant for 9 months. Who knows how many people applied! I was chosen at just the right time. The right time for the newspaper. The right time for me. We needed to move, but I had to have a job before we did. Within two weeks the job was mine (even though I had actually applied 8 weeks prior to that) and we had a place to live. It may be small but to us at that time it was a whirlwind miracle.
I have had my share of struggles here everything from a period of two weeks or so where I a student worker quit on average every two days. Keep in mind that I only had a total of five people working for me. Makes a girl question her personality traits and hygiene practices among other things. The economy has been a kicker too. Ultimately I have always felt God put me here for a purpose, His purpose.
Release #1
At the beginning of November we gave our board a more than bleak report of incoming revenue. Things were not looking good. Then things turned around. Beginning with the next issue of the newspaper we started shattering revenue goals! Within six weeks were back on track financially. Truly incredible!
Release #2
In early December I received word that our direct competition had decided to call it quits. Seriously, are you kidding? After four and a half years they are just going to stop printing? I confirmed it, and then did a happy dance. (It was okay to do a happy dance. No one was losing their job in this ordeal.) I take no credit for their ship sinking, but I appreciate the fact that it will make the lives of my advertising staff significantly easier.
Release #3
We had another mountain we had been working on moving for some time. The details would bore you. So I'll just say the mountain was moved and a ski resort was opened on it. The ski resort is providing a great source of revenue!
Release #4 (The Hum-Dinger)
I try to be very strong in my faith. I don't want to turn people away with it, but I do want them to know where I stand in it. I have tried in my own little ways to plant a seed of God's love in the life of every student that has worked for me and with me. Even the one I fired!
There was one student who worked for me that was different. She was hard when it came to God. She didn't want anything to do with church, Christians, etc. I wouldn't give up. I saw her potential. I kept nudging and nudging. I tried my best, that was all I could do. She graduated, my opportunity was over. I kept in touch with her via Facebook. I found it humorous that she got a job doing graphic design for a Christian T-Shirt company. What an odd match. I believed God was still putting people in her path, because He saw her potential too.
Anyway, in early December I went to work at church. It wasn't the easiest services I have ever worked. I can't even remember why. For one, I had forgotten my cell phone. It is actually a crucial part to what I do there every weekend. When we got home that afternoon I headed straight for my bed to pull the covers over my head. My bed is where I had just happened to leave my phone. I picked up my beloved Blackberry and checked Twitter, E-Mail, and Facebook messages.
One Facebook message took my breath away. It was from the student that used to work for me. She had been to church, the church I attend of all places. Her and her boyfriend loved it. They couldn't wait to go back. I cried. I felt closure. I felt as though I accomplished what God put me at the newspaper to accomplish. This former student could find her potential now, a potential she never realized she had. I planted a seed and was lucky enough to see it sprout.
All of these things told me this was the right opportunity for me to leave. Everything happened at just the right time. A door peacefully closed and another opened.
I hope in some way this post encourages anyone who reads it. I know I will come back and read it from time to time.
One big change is not enough for the Jenkins' Casa, no sir-ee! I have made the decision to leave my position at the University. It was a tough decision.
I have always felt that God put me in this job to be an example of his love and let people know there is more to life. I know I've done better some days than others! If God put me here He would have to release me to move on. Open a new door. At the end of November a new opportunity came to light.
I believe in miracles. This job was vacant for 9 months. Who knows how many people applied! I was chosen at just the right time. The right time for the newspaper. The right time for me. We needed to move, but I had to have a job before we did. Within two weeks the job was mine (even though I had actually applied 8 weeks prior to that) and we had a place to live. It may be small but to us at that time it was a whirlwind miracle.
I have had my share of struggles here everything from a period of two weeks or so where I a student worker quit on average every two days. Keep in mind that I only had a total of five people working for me. Makes a girl question her personality traits and hygiene practices among other things. The economy has been a kicker too. Ultimately I have always felt God put me here for a purpose, His purpose.
Release #1
At the beginning of November we gave our board a more than bleak report of incoming revenue. Things were not looking good. Then things turned around. Beginning with the next issue of the newspaper we started shattering revenue goals! Within six weeks were back on track financially. Truly incredible!
Release #2
In early December I received word that our direct competition had decided to call it quits. Seriously, are you kidding? After four and a half years they are just going to stop printing? I confirmed it, and then did a happy dance. (It was okay to do a happy dance. No one was losing their job in this ordeal.) I take no credit for their ship sinking, but I appreciate the fact that it will make the lives of my advertising staff significantly easier.
Release #3
We had another mountain we had been working on moving for some time. The details would bore you. So I'll just say the mountain was moved and a ski resort was opened on it. The ski resort is providing a great source of revenue!
Release #4 (The Hum-Dinger)
I try to be very strong in my faith. I don't want to turn people away with it, but I do want them to know where I stand in it. I have tried in my own little ways to plant a seed of God's love in the life of every student that has worked for me and with me. Even the one I fired!
There was one student who worked for me that was different. She was hard when it came to God. She didn't want anything to do with church, Christians, etc. I wouldn't give up. I saw her potential. I kept nudging and nudging. I tried my best, that was all I could do. She graduated, my opportunity was over. I kept in touch with her via Facebook. I found it humorous that she got a job doing graphic design for a Christian T-Shirt company. What an odd match. I believed God was still putting people in her path, because He saw her potential too.
Anyway, in early December I went to work at church. It wasn't the easiest services I have ever worked. I can't even remember why. For one, I had forgotten my cell phone. It is actually a crucial part to what I do there every weekend. When we got home that afternoon I headed straight for my bed to pull the covers over my head. My bed is where I had just happened to leave my phone. I picked up my beloved Blackberry and checked Twitter, E-Mail, and Facebook messages.
One Facebook message took my breath away. It was from the student that used to work for me. She had been to church, the church I attend of all places. Her and her boyfriend loved it. They couldn't wait to go back. I cried. I felt closure. I felt as though I accomplished what God put me at the newspaper to accomplish. This former student could find her potential now, a potential she never realized she had. I planted a seed and was lucky enough to see it sprout.
All of these things told me this was the right opportunity for me to leave. Everything happened at just the right time. A door peacefully closed and another opened.
I hope in some way this post encourages anyone who reads it. I know I will come back and read it from time to time.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Books, Books, and More Books
How have ya'll been? Well, I hope.
Me? Oh, I'm great! Can you believe we only have one foster parenting class left? It's on the 10th of November. We are hoping to have a placement around Christmas. I"ll give ya'll the most info I can without violating any confidentiality. We're still trying to get the house ready. Whew boy! Did we ever need to get rid of some stuff! Ridiculous!
The real reason I'm here today is tell you all about one of my many passions ... books! I was visiting the blog of an IRL friend and saw the bookshelf on her blog. Hey, there Rebekah! I started to covet then remembered that was wrong, so I just clicked and got my own. It's right there on the right. Isn't it lovely? The BEST part ... I never have to dust it!
So let me tell you a little about these books on my shelf. The Shack most of you have heard of or read. I'm still reading it. I love to read, but I'm a slow reader. If you have not read it ... do it ... NOW!
If you have read The Shack and it changed your life, DO NOT go another day without reading Grace is for Sinners. I met author Serena Woods when we were in high school and our families attended the same church. (Good news, you will not need any personal connections to Serena to have your socks knocked off by this book.) As life happened we went our separate ways and our paths sort of crossed again when her book came out. I mean really, if you grew up in a small town and heard someone had published a book, you would know it's kind of a big deal and you would get your hands on it as soon as possible.
What did I find when I read the book? Serena is an amazing woman who has traveled an incredible journey. I am in awe every single time I stop and think about how God is using her and the path she has been on to get here. You have my word that this book will change you and your relationship with God. It rips away the layers of expectations society has put around an Almighty God and exposes the most amazing truths. This book is written about real life experiences and the raw, bleeding reality of how brutal we as Christians can be. At that moment, as if in the same breath, you will see Grace revealed like never before as Serena pours her heart and God's onto the pages of this book.
I know, I know, you are on the edge of your seat right now OR your are getting in your car to come borrow my copy of the book. Stop right there! How about reading an excerpt from the book right now? I know, I'm a genius! Just click here and visit Grace is for Sinners.
Other books on my list:
Secrets: Transforming your life and marriage ~~ Great devotional book for wives!
Amy's Answering Machine ~~ Get some Depends, cause your gonna laugh until you pee your pants!
Come, My Little Angel ~~ A precious little book I stumbled upon at the library and fell in love with! (Warning: I cried!)
Some of my favorites are on the self. Click next to see them all. A modern twist on a classic nursery rhyme, the cleverness of Robert Munsch, and a siamese cat that likes to pretend he is a chihuahua!
Happy reading! And I promise it won't be long until you hear from me again!
Me? Oh, I'm great! Can you believe we only have one foster parenting class left? It's on the 10th of November. We are hoping to have a placement around Christmas. I"ll give ya'll the most info I can without violating any confidentiality. We're still trying to get the house ready. Whew boy! Did we ever need to get rid of some stuff! Ridiculous!
The real reason I'm here today is tell you all about one of my many passions ... books! I was visiting the blog of an IRL friend and saw the bookshelf on her blog. Hey, there Rebekah! I started to covet then remembered that was wrong, so I just clicked and got my own. It's right there on the right. Isn't it lovely? The BEST part ... I never have to dust it!
So let me tell you a little about these books on my shelf. The Shack most of you have heard of or read. I'm still reading it. I love to read, but I'm a slow reader. If you have not read it ... do it ... NOW!
If you have read The Shack and it changed your life, DO NOT go another day without reading Grace is for Sinners. I met author Serena Woods when we were in high school and our families attended the same church. (Good news, you will not need any personal connections to Serena to have your socks knocked off by this book.) As life happened we went our separate ways and our paths sort of crossed again when her book came out. I mean really, if you grew up in a small town and heard someone had published a book, you would know it's kind of a big deal and you would get your hands on it as soon as possible.
What did I find when I read the book? Serena is an amazing woman who has traveled an incredible journey. I am in awe every single time I stop and think about how God is using her and the path she has been on to get here. You have my word that this book will change you and your relationship with God. It rips away the layers of expectations society has put around an Almighty God and exposes the most amazing truths. This book is written about real life experiences and the raw, bleeding reality of how brutal we as Christians can be. At that moment, as if in the same breath, you will see Grace revealed like never before as Serena pours her heart and God's onto the pages of this book.
I know, I know, you are on the edge of your seat right now OR your are getting in your car to come borrow my copy of the book. Stop right there! How about reading an excerpt from the book right now? I know, I'm a genius! Just click here and visit Grace is for Sinners.
Other books on my list:
Secrets: Transforming your life and marriage ~~ Great devotional book for wives!
Amy's Answering Machine ~~ Get some Depends, cause your gonna laugh until you pee your pants!
Come, My Little Angel ~~ A precious little book I stumbled upon at the library and fell in love with! (Warning: I cried!)
Some of my favorites are on the self. Click next to see them all. A modern twist on a classic nursery rhyme, the cleverness of Robert Munsch, and a siamese cat that likes to pretend he is a chihuahua!
Happy reading! And I promise it won't be long until you hear from me again!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A Leap of Faith
It has been a GREAT summer! So many get-togethers with family and friends ... so much good food, but even better memories.
The most memorable event this summer was when Hubs and I had a conversation that ended with "Yes, let's do this."
We have decided to pursue foster parenting with the intent to adopt. It's not like waking up one morning and deciding to make pancakes from scratch (well, I suppose for a few people it could be similar). There has been a lot of analyzing and prayer that has gone into this decision. We have asked our friends and family to agree with us in prayer. We have talked to social workers. We have spent time talking with individuals and families that have experienced, first-hand the heartache and joy the system can distribute. Ultimately we feel God is calling us to represent him in this venture. Much like a missionary would represent God in a foreign country.
There are risks. Many. That is where our faith comes in, we believe it is not faith until we take the first step. Already, some days have not been easy. My family is worried about Hubs, A-man and I. My Mom, especially has and continues to voice her fears. I know she is just trying to protect us, but it kills my spirit when she can't see what is really in our hearts. On the low days this summer there has always been a bit of encouragement to fall into my lap. One of them I found at Grace is for Sinners. It is a great post about faith.
There is one reoccurring question from people. Sometimes they don't actually ask, you just see it in there eyes. "Why?"
I'm happy to answer.
We as a family have more love to give. I want to have the opportunity to bless a child who is in the middle of a difficult situation he or she didn't ask for and doesn't deserve. I want God to shine his light through me into the life of an innocent child. I want to be responsible for a child learning love is warmer than any blanket. I want to show a child God has a purpose for his or her life.
Please don't think I am naive. I have heard the ugly, nasty stories. I KNOW I will experience sadness, anger, frustration, joy, happiness ... the list could go on forever. I worry about A-man and how this will change him. I pray God's special protection on him.
If you know how to pray, please pray for the three of us, pray for our extended family, and pray for the child(ren) that will come into our lives whether it be for a day or forever.
P.S. Our first class is tonight.
The most memorable event this summer was when Hubs and I had a conversation that ended with "Yes, let's do this."
We have decided to pursue foster parenting with the intent to adopt. It's not like waking up one morning and deciding to make pancakes from scratch (well, I suppose for a few people it could be similar). There has been a lot of analyzing and prayer that has gone into this decision. We have asked our friends and family to agree with us in prayer. We have talked to social workers. We have spent time talking with individuals and families that have experienced, first-hand the heartache and joy the system can distribute. Ultimately we feel God is calling us to represent him in this venture. Much like a missionary would represent God in a foreign country.
There are risks. Many. That is where our faith comes in, we believe it is not faith until we take the first step. Already, some days have not been easy. My family is worried about Hubs, A-man and I. My Mom, especially has and continues to voice her fears. I know she is just trying to protect us, but it kills my spirit when she can't see what is really in our hearts. On the low days this summer there has always been a bit of encouragement to fall into my lap. One of them I found at Grace is for Sinners. It is a great post about faith.
There is one reoccurring question from people. Sometimes they don't actually ask, you just see it in there eyes. "Why?"
I'm happy to answer.
We as a family have more love to give. I want to have the opportunity to bless a child who is in the middle of a difficult situation he or she didn't ask for and doesn't deserve. I want God to shine his light through me into the life of an innocent child. I want to be responsible for a child learning love is warmer than any blanket. I want to show a child God has a purpose for his or her life.
Please don't think I am naive. I have heard the ugly, nasty stories. I KNOW I will experience sadness, anger, frustration, joy, happiness ... the list could go on forever. I worry about A-man and how this will change him. I pray God's special protection on him.
If you know how to pray, please pray for the three of us, pray for our extended family, and pray for the child(ren) that will come into our lives whether it be for a day or forever.

Monday, July 27, 2009
Flirty Apron Swap -- The "I Love Lucy" Edition
I'm on the hunt for just the right buttons and then this red and white polka dot extravaganza will be off and running to my dear partner!

I'm not gonna lie. I've had a love hate relationship with this apron. But in the end ... it's all LOVE. In case any of you happen to be on your knees in prayer that this little diddy will coming your way ... wait for it ... wait for it ... wait for it...
It will be accompanied by the entire first season of "I Love Lucy" on DVD.
Can't wait for the next swap!

I'm not gonna lie. I've had a love hate relationship with this apron. But in the end ... it's all LOVE. In case any of you happen to be on your knees in prayer that this little diddy will coming your way ... wait for it ... wait for it ... wait for it...
It will be accompanied by the entire first season of "I Love Lucy" on DVD.
Can't wait for the next swap!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Everything Limesque!
What could be better than a great recipe for these Key Lime Filled Cupcakes?

A lime colored apron, of course!!

Snag the recipe for the cupcakes and enter to win the apron at The Secret Stitch Club!

A lime colored apron, of course!!

Snag the recipe for the cupcakes and enter to win the apron at The Secret Stitch Club!
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